Ugly ducklings almond cookies


I wanted to try out what looked like a fairly simple recipe for almond cookies over the weekend. I mean how hard is it to whip together sugar and butter, add an egg, then fold in the almonds and cake flour with a pinch of salt?

WRONG!! I was so wrong!! :p

After I mixed all the ingredients, I molded the dough into a rectangular log and kept it in the freezer overnight.

Remember, once they have been cut, they need to be baked soon after

The next morning, I took out the dough and cut it into pieces of 1cm (approx) thickness.

Laid them on a tray and baked it in an oven (preheated) for around 20 mins at 175 degrees. I was really looking forward to the end of the 20 mins when I would see the carefully cutted and lined up dough pieces transform into beautiful elegant cookies on the baking tray….

But oops… it didn’t happen… hehe

It looked nothing like the smooth, cream-coloured cookies they were supposed to be. They were supposed to look so irresistible that anyone seeing them would want a bite…!!

(Top) After freezing the dough, it should be relatively easy to cut and if you had enough almond, each cookies should be filled with a good bite of them.(Bottom) why do they look so unappealing??

I must work out why they are sooo ugly! Please give me a shout if you know the answer (I think I didn’t whip the sugar and butter well enough?). The taste was awesome and sweetness was just right and almond was damned crispy. So I got the inside right, just need to work on the appearance : )